Man Charged with Hingham DUI; Kids in Car

Police officers in Hingham recently arrested a man who was allegedly driving under the influence — with two kids in the car. According to the Boston Globe, officers were alerted just before 7:00 p.m. by a 71-year-old man who said he was driving behind a vehicle that was swerving all over the road. When officers arrived on scene, they located the car and pulled it over.
Witnesses report that the car was “all over the road.” When everyone stopped at a red light, the witness who called the cops approached the driver and said he shouldn’t be driving. The driver pulled over and the guy who called the cops stopped right behind him with his hazard lights on. Officers report that they found a 7- and 10-year-old in the vehicle. The car was still running and was in “drive” as well. Officers also report that the man was slurring his words, his eyes were glassy and he smelled of alcohol. He was reportedly swaying in the driver’s seat, too.

Our Hingham car accident lawyers understand that intoxicated individuals don’t always make the best of decisions, like getting behind the wheel — with two kids in the car! Officers say that the man said he wasn’t drinking and he also agreed to sobriety tests. When he got out of the car, officers report that he fell back into the door of the car and started to stumble around. Officers had to grab him to stop him from falling. They attempted to conduct a sobriety test, but discontinued for the safety of the driver.

Eventually, he admitted to drinking, saying he only had two beers. Officers found an open bottle of water which they say smelled like liquor and not water. The man was 44-years-old and was from Connecticut. He was arrested and officials have charged him with driving on a suspended license, driving to endanger, driving with an open container, 2 counts of OUI with child endangerment and OUI Alcohol.

He has also been banned from driving in the state of Massachusetts pending payment of a license reinstatement fee. He was held at the Plymouth County House of Correction on a $250 cash bail.

The two kids in the car were taken to the police station and were eventually picked up by their mom. The Department of Children and Families filed a 51A on their behalf.

So far this year, police officers in Hingham have received about 350 phone calls for erratic operation. Officers are encouraging drivers to keep it up and report anyone displaying irresponsible driving habits.

When reporting a suspected drunk driver to officers, make sure that you report the details while keeping your distance. Get the make, color, model, location, direction and license plate number of the car and a description of the driver if possible. Don’t interact with the driver though and keep yourself safe!

If you or someone you love has been involved in a drunk driving car accident, call the Law Office of Jeffrey S. Glassman, LLC for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your case. Call (617) 777-7777.

Additional Resources:

Hingham police arrest man for allegedly driving while drunk with kids in the car, by Jessica Bartlett, Boston Globe
More Blog Entries:

Massachusetts DUI Accidents: Little Stopping Repeat Offenders, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, October 6, 2012

Boston DUI Watch: Drunk Driver Up a Tree!, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, September 24, 2012

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