
Drunk Driving Defendant Now Working with his Prosecutor

According to a recent news feature from KHOU, a man convicted of drunk driving involving a fatal accident in 2012 is now working with the prosecutor who handled his case to help fight drunk driving and alcohol-related traffic accidents.

prison-1431136-mDefendant was arrested around Christmas in 2012 when he was involved in the fatal drunk driving accident. He said he had just put gas in his truck and went to his house to drink a few beers he had at home. After drinking, he got behind the wheel of the pickup, along with two friends traveling as his passengers. The man seated next to him was his best friend.

He has said that all he remembers was driving past a convenience store, as he blacked out and did not reawaken until he found himself in his mangled pickup truck. He later learned that he had crashed into a utility pole. His best friend died upon impact in the fatal drunk driving accident, and his friend in the rear of the cab was seriously injured. Defendant also suffered substantial personal injuries in the alcohol-related crash.

After being arrested in connection with a fatal drunk driving accident, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years in prison. While in prison, he started to send letters to the prosecutor who handled his case. The prosecutor, being moved by the contents of defendant’s letters, felt he was really trying to do more with his life and help people. When defendant was released from prison, he met with the prosecutor in person, and he wanted to do an event where he would tell his story about how his life was forever changed by his decision to drive drunk in hopes that others would not make the same mistakes he did. He also wanted the audience to know how much this tragic drunk driving accident forever affected the lives of the other victims and the family of his best friend who was killed that night. The prosecutor said he knew this was something special, because he gets letters from other inmates, but these letters seemed much more sincere.

As our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys have seen in far too many cases, many defendants drive drunk on a regular basis and get away with it countless times before causing a fatal accident or getting arrested for driving under the influence. However, when the incident does occur, especially an accident involving a serious personal injury or death, many lives will be forever changed.

In addition to the pain and suffering that occurs during the accident, there may be a lengthy recovery that involves additional pain and suffering. A drunk driving car accident can also leave victims with permanent physical and mental illness and scarring. Another type of economic injury that may occur is that the victim will be required to miss a considerable amount of work, and this can lead to a claim for lost wages. Past and future medical expenses are another type of claim that can be made in serious car accident lawsuits in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

If you have been injured in a Boston drunk driving accident, call for a free and confidential appointment at (617) 777-7777.

Additional Resources:

Drunk driver teams up with prosecutor to save lives, January 28, 2016, KHOU News, Rucks Russell

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1970s idol David Cassidy fined $900 in drunken-driving case , November 17, 2013, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog

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