Around the holidays we tend to see some pretty strange behavior. This is especially true when dealing with drunk driving arrests. During this past Halloween, we saw a woman dressed as a Zombie get arrested twice for drunk driving in the same night while in full costume. According to a…
Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog
Alleged Drunk Driver Crashes into Jennifer Lopez’s Car
According to a recent news article from the Boston Herald, singer/actress Jennifer Lopez was hit by an alleged drunk driver. Los Angeles County Prosecutors issues a statement describing how Lopez was riding as a passenger in her Rolls-Royce, along with her two children. Actress Leah Remini, her friend, was driving…
Massachusetts Agency Awarded Grant to Help Drunk Driving Accident Victims
A lot of people who drive a vehicle while intoxicated tend to do so on a regular basis. These habitual drunk drivers tend to think of it as a victimless crime. However, when there is an alcohol-related accident, drunk driving is far from being victimless, as it can have serious…
Man Arrested for DUI with .45 BAC
Many people are aware that the legal limit of alcohol intoxication is 0.08 grams per hundred milliliters of blood. This true in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and across the United States. The reason for this is because Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) was able to lobby to create a national…
Woman Arrested for OUI after Allegedly Hitting Taxi in Arlington
Drunk driving accidents involving victims who were riding in a taxi cab are more common than one might initially think. According to a recent news article from the Arlington Patch, a 26-year-old suspected drunk driver was arrested for allegedly rear-ending a taxi cab early one Saturday morning. Witnesses say defendant…
MADD Raising Awareness about Drunk Driving Accidents This Holiday Season
Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a non-profit organization that has been essential in raising the national drinking age to 21-years-of-age and increasing penalties for drunk driving. According to a recent news feature from CBS, MADD, along with the help of several South Florida families who are all victims of…
New Study Shows Energy Drinks May Contribute to Drunk Driving
We often see advertisements for beer and liquor showing everyone having a good time, then some fine print saying the maker of that particular alcoholic beverage urges people to drink responsibility. As we know from the thousands of drunk driving accidents each year, many do not take this advice. A…
Alleged Drunk Driver Crashes into Massachusetts Apartment
There is no doubt drunk driving accidents can lead to serious personal injury and death. One recent news article from My Fox Boston looks at a close call that resulted in the destruction of a home and what appear to be minor injuries. Authorities are reporting a woman was arrested…
Massachusetts State Police Officer Returns to Work after Second Drunk Driving Arrest
When we think of drunk driving, we normally think of a drunk driver getting arrested by the police, and hopefully before the driver caused a serious alcohol-related car accident. However, according to a recent news article in the Boston Globe, a Massachusetts state trooper has been arrested for drunk driving…
Man Sentenced for Deadly Drunk Driving Crash Involving Honeymoon Couple
According to a recent news article from WMUR 9, a defendant was sentenced to 10 years in prison for killing a newlywed bride in a 2013 drunk driving car accident in New England in 2013. The couple was just married in their home state of Minnesota and were driving through…