
Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog


Drunk Drivers Aren’t Often Honest About Their Alcohol Consumption

Police encounter drunk drivers all the time in the course of their careers, but one Massachusetts state trooper had an experience with an intoxicated driver that was very personal: a drunk driver killed his daughter. Now, CBS Boston reports that the trooper hopes his daughter’s legacy will prevent other drunk…


Binge Drinking Among College Students Increases the Risk of Accidents

Drinking just one drink too many can have devastating consequences when someone gets behind the wheel and drives drunk. Unfortunately, the more alcohol you consume and the more intoxicated you are, the more likely you are to make a bad decision about driving and the more impaired you will be…


Drunk Driving Accident Victim Speaks Out in Favor of Tougher DUI Laws

With the recent NTSB proposal to change the drunk driving limit from .08 to .05, many people are getting caught up in political arguments. These arguments are between advocates in favor of the recommendation and opponents who argue that a lower limit is an infringement on personal rights and freedoms.…

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