
Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog


Mothers Against Drunk Driving Provides Safety Tips for Driving After Dark

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has had a tremendous impact on changing the narrative on drunk driving and making it socially unacceptable to get drunk and drive. The organization, which was started by a mother who lost her child in a drunk driving accident, also has done a lot of…


Massachusetts Urges Efforts to Stop Underage Drinking and Driving

Underage drinking and driving is a deadly practice that Massachusetts is making every effort to combat. In 2013, for example, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security is offering a grant to local district attorneys willing to host underage drinking prevention conferences. Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys…


Mass. DUI Accident Watch: Supreme Court to Consider DUI Blood Draw Case

Under Massachusetts law, when you get behind the wheel and drive on the roads, you are giving your implied consent to have your blood-alcohol content tested if police have probable cause to believe you are drunk. This means that if police pull you over and suspect you are drunk, you…


App Helps to Catch Drunk Drivers in New England

Drunk drivers put every single person in Boston in grave danger. Law enforcement does their best to stop drunk drivers before they cause an accident, but unfortunately police cannot be everywhere at all times and drunk people continue to drive and cause tragic traffic crashes with alarming regularity. In an…


Drunk Driver Rams Police Cruiser, Faces Serious Criminal Sanctions

Drunk driving accidents can always lead to serious legal trouble, but one Needham woman is probably REALLY regretting the decision to drive drunk after she crashed her car into the vehicle of a Massachusetts’ state trooper. The 48-year-old driver was arrested after refusing a breath test at the scene of…


Underaged Drinking & DUI Creates Major Legal Trouble

Underaged drinking is illegal in Massachusetts and those under age 21 who consume alcohol can face a number of different consequences. Because underage drinking is prohibited by law, serving alcohol to minors is also prohibited. When you allow underage drinking or participate in the practice in any way, you set…

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