
Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog


Melanie’s Law Significantly Reducing Repeat Drunk-Driving Accidents in Massachusetts

Officials are crediting a 6-year-old law that makes ignition interlock devices a requirement for repeat drunk-driving offenders for the decrease of drunk-driving accidents in Massachusetts, according to the Boston Globe. Officials are looking to make the so-called Melanie’s Law even stronger, requiring it for all first-time offenders as well. Our…


Take the Pledge to Help Prevent Drunk-Driving Accidents in Boston and Maybe Win Some Cool NFL Gear

Teenagers under the influence of alcohol has been cited as the reason why some 6,000 people are killed on our roadways every year. This is more deaths than all illegal drug usage combined. Unfortunately, we know of the drunk-driving accidents in Boston and elsewhere that have contributed to this sad…


Senate Considers More Funding for Device to Help Prevent Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Massachusetts, Nation

Drunk driving accidents in Massachusetts could be less common if researchers involved in a new technology device for vehicles gets the funding it needs. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), the U.S. Senate is looking to grant more money to the developers of the Driver Alcohol Detection System for…


State Troopers’ Efforts to Curb Drunk Driving Accidents in Massachusetts

There were a slew of DUI checkpoints conducted during a recent weekend by the Massachusetts State Police. These checkpoints resulted in a number of motor-vehicle citations, criminal summonses and arrests. The checkpoints are an important tool to help officers remove dangerous drivers from our roadways, One of the weekend checkpoints…


Halloween Brings Out Ghosts, Zombies and Risks of Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Boston

When our little vampires are finished combing the neighborhoods for candy, brushing their fangs and getting tucked in bed for the evening, adult goblins will be hitting the streets and heading out for a night of fun and adventure. Adults may be too old to trick-or-treat, but that never means…


Red Sox World Series Pitcher Accused of Drunk Driving with 5-Year-Old Passenger

Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curtis Leskanic is facing charges of child neglect without harm and of driving under the influence after a recent arrest. The 44-year-old former-baseball player was pulled over with, what police say was, a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .331, which is more than four times…


Drunk Driving Accidents in Boston Expected to Increase after National Decrease

According to The Boston Globe, one of the Governor’s right-hand men was arrested under allegations of drunk driving in Massachusetts. The arrest happened just a few hours after the aide was involved in an accident in Boston. The Governor’s senior adviser for community affairs was involved in an accident at…


New England Bus Accident Suspects Brewery for Over-Serving Tour Participants

Recently, one man died and another was injured after falling from a bus window on the Redhook Ale Brewery bus tour, according to Seacoast Online. Investigations into the Massachusetts bus accident concluded that the bus was traveling at about 60 miles per hour during the time of the accident and…


Drunk Driving Accident in Stoughton Kills 1, Injures 2 — Officials Push for Harsher Penalties

A fatal drunk-driving car accident in Stoughton refuels at least one lawmaker’s call for stricter drunk-driving enforcement and harsher penalties for those who are considered habitual offenders. The recent accident involved a Bridgewater hairdresser who was allegedly driving drunk, an Easton woman who died from injuries sustained in the crash,…


Drunk Driver in Boxborough Receives Sixth DUI Charge

A recent drunk driver in Boxborough accounted for a 48-year-old man’s sixth drunk driving charge, according to the Boston Globe. Boxborough police said the man was spotted by officers for having an expired inspection sticker on his pickup truck near Massachusetts Avenue just before 11 a.m. in late September. When…

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