
Senate Considers More Funding for Device to Help Prevent Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Massachusetts, Nation

Drunk driving accidents in Massachusetts could be less common if researchers involved in a new technology device for vehicles gets the funding it needs.

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), the U.S. Senate is looking to grant more money to the developers of the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS). DADSS, which recently entered its second phase of testing, will not allow a driver to start a vehicle if his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above 0.08, which is the legal limit in the United States. This in-vehicle, alcohol-detection system could be used nationwide.

Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys understand the consequences of drunk drivers on our roadways. All too often these drivers set out behind the wheel of a motor vehicle after consuming impairing amounts of alcohol and put innocent motorists’ lives in danger. Oftentimes these accidents kill innocent people. As we round the final corner of 2011, we can expect an increase in the number of drunk driving accidents throughout the country. Unfortunately, the holiday season brings out far too many intoxicated drivers. We ask that everyone enjoy their holiday season, but do so with a watchful eye on our roadways.

The Senate is considering legislation that could increase funding for the further development and research of the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety. The announcement comes as MADD marks its fifth anniversary of the Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving.

“MADD thanks the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the automakers who are moving forward on this important research activity,” said Jan Withers, MADD national president.

Senators Susan Collins and Patty Murray are the two behind the push for more funding to help prevent drunk driving. The funding will be provided to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for the research, creation and development of this technology.

The legislation could potentially give $6 million to help develop and test the DADSS. Before the recent consideration, developers were only going to get about $5 million from the current fiscal year. Researchers are also hoping to get their hands on the extra funding that was left over from seat belt law incentive programs.

The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety started when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration joined efforts with the Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety. The two organizations are tackling drunk driving accidents and looking to develop a useful technology that will be accepted by the public to stop drunk drivers in an “un-invasive” way. When all is said and done, the organizations believe that the devices could potentially save about 8,000 lives every year. In Phase II, developers will create a test vehicle within the next two years to be used, tested and analyzed.

If you or someone you love has been the victim of a drunk driving accident Boston or in any of the surrounding areas, contact the drunk-driving accident lawyers at Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call 877-617-5333.

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