
Thanksgiving: A Common Holiday for Drunk Driving Accidents in Massachusetts, Nation

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with friends and family and to give thanks. Unfortunately, this is also a time when our roadways will be crowded and more dangerous than ever.

There will be nearly 40 million people who will travel more than 50 miles to join friends and family for a Thanksgiving celebration. Roughly 90 percent of these people will be traveling on U.S. roadways. This thankful holiday is a common backdrop for drunk-driving car accidents in Massachusetts and elsewhere. Recent statistics illustrate that Thanksgiving eve is the second most popular party night of the year.

Thanksgiving is the holiday where we see the most drunk-driving fatalities out of the entire year. Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys understand that there has been an average of more than 560 alcohol-related car accident fatalities on this holiday in each of the last five year’s. Thousands more are injured each year.

Although law enforcement officials amp up their drunk-driving enforcement during popular holiday periods, far too many accidents still happen. It has been estimated that roughly 30 percent of all U.S. residents will be involved in an alcohol-related accident. Your chances of being the victim of a drunk-driving accident are higher than you may think, especially during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

On Thanksgiving and the following weekend, drivers are urged to plan safe routes, stay the night somewhere or just stay home altogether to help reduce risks of being involved in one of these drunk-driving accidents. If you see someone who you believe is drunk on our roadways, you should not hesitate to call local authorities.

We urge all residents to do their part to keep motorists safe during the holiday season. Let’s be able to give thanks for safe roadways this Thanksgiving.

‘The 2011 National “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.” Campaign will be going strong throughout the holiday season and the remainder of the year.

2011 National “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.” campaigns:

-November 27 through December 11, 2011: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving
-December 16, 2011 through January 2, 2012: Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.

If you think you’ve spotted a drunk driver on our roadways during the Thanksgiving holiday period or during any other time of the year, you are urged to call local authorities. Be sure to have the color, make and model of the car when calling. Be ready to provide the location and the headed direction of the suspicious vehicle as well. Authorities warn you to steer clear of the vehicle. Don’t get too close and risk your own safety. Your call could save a life.

Be responsible and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

If you or someone you love has been involved in an accident with a drunk driver in Massachusetts, contact the drunk-driving accident lawyers at Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call 877-617-5333.

More Blog Entries:

Melanie’s Law Significantly Reducing Repeat Drunk-Driving Accidents in Massachusetts, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, November 7, 2011

Take the Pledge to Help Prevent Drunk-Driving Accidents in Boston and Maybe Win Some Cool NFL Gear, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Blog, November 3, 2011

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