Articles Posted in Boston Drunk Driving Accidents

A Boston man was recently arrested for his third drunken driving offense during an impaired driving patrol. The 34-year-old man was arrested shortly after 11:00 p.m. on Fruit Street in Bridgewater. He was stopped after officers witnessed him driving erratically, according to Enterprise News.
He was arrested and charged with negligent operation of a motor vehicle, operating under the influence (third offense) and various marked lane violations.

Our Boston drunk driving accident lawyers understand that about a third of the drunk driving problem – arrests, accidents, deaths, and injuries – comes from repeat offenders. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Americans take more than 233 billion trips in cars each and every year. About one of out of every 2,000 of these trips is taken by someone who is under the influence of alcohol. That doesn’t seem like a lot, but you can tell how big of a problem it is when we tell you that about a third of all traffic fatalities are the result of a drunk driving accident.
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At the very worst, drunk driving can be deadly. But if you manage to avoid an accident and the associated consequences, you’ve got a lot waiting for you when you get busted.

We’re talking about the monetary costs here of a drunk driving charge.
An OUI (Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol) charge can wind up following you — and your bank account — for quite some time. According to MSN Money, these costs include higher insurance costs, lawyer fees and thousands in court fees and fines.

Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys understand that a first-offense OUI in the state of Massachusetts comes with fines ranging from $500 to $5,000. You can also wind up in jail for up to 2 and a half years. And you are looking at a driver’s license suspension for up to 180 days.

But the costs don’t end there. You’re also looking at roughly $100 in towing, a minimum conviction fine of $500, a driver’s license reinstatement fee of $500, a magistrate nighttime bail fee of at least $50, court costs of about $250 and attorney fees.

When you add that all up, you’re looking at a minimum of $6,000 for a first-time OWU offense.

Let’s keep going:

If you’re charged with a first OUI offense, you can reduce your sentence by agreeing to complete a state-approved Driver Alcohol Education Program (DAEP). You can expect to pay about $600 for this course.

A Massachusetts DUI is a misdemeanor unless the person has two prior OUI convictions, meaning that an OUI only becomes a felony upon conviction of a 3rd offense.

It’s no good to have an OUI on your record either. For the people who are able to keep their jobs, they’re still using valuable time at work with these charges because of jail time, counseling, community service, OUI courses and court appearances. If you’re can’t get a hardship permit that would allow you to drive to and from work while your license is suspended, you’ll have to figure in additional transportation costs.

There were close to 150 people killed in alcohol-related traffic accidents in the state of Massachusetts in 2011, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). These fatalities accounted for close to 40 percent of all of the fatalities recorded on our roadways for the entire year.

There’s really no excuse for these kinds of accidents, especially when they are completely preventable. There is never a reason to get behind the wheel when you’ve got so many other safe and sober options to get home — or wherever you need to be. Call a friend, a family member or a taxi to come get you. Take public transportation. Stay over at a friend’s house. Whatever you do, just don’t get behind the wheel. It’s a poor decision that could wind up costing you.
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Some say that there’s nothing to do in Boston except get drunk. At least that’s what the headline reads from Gawker. It was also listed as two of Time Magazine’s Top 10 Things to Do in Boston involve looking at bodies of water.

But is that why officers are so lenient on intoxicated drivers?

Our Boston drunk driving car accident lawyers understand that Boston officers only made 211 drunk driving arrests in 2013. That a number down by about a third since 2009. Some would argue that Bostonians are drinking less. Some say it’s the availability of trains and sidewalks that is keeping intoxicated individuals from behind the wheel.

Many would argue that those excuses are just that — EXCUSES. As we’ve continuously been ranked as the “Drunkest City in the Nation,” experts are also pointing out that other ranked “walkable” cities in the nation have more drunk-driving arrests than we do each year.

Washington D.C. has about the same number of residents as we do here in Boston. Still, officers arrest close to 2,000 people for drunk driving there in 2012. Or you can consider Denver, which has a much smaller population than Boston. And there were still about 3,000 drunk driving arrests there last year.

Where’s our enforcement? Some would argue that Boston officers are busy focusing on more “important” crime.

Either way you look at it, drunk driving is a serious offense and it’s taking thousands of lives each and every year. As a matter of fact, officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report that there were close to 10,000 people killed in drunk driving car accidents in the country in 2011. These fatalities accounted for more than 30 percent of all traffic accident fatalities recorded throughout the year. And these are accidents that are completely preventable.

There were 114 people killed in these drunk driving accidents in Massachusetts that same year. These fatalities accounted for more than a third of our traffic deaths for the year.

According to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, drivers should never get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. As residents, friends and family members, we should never let our loved ones do it either. This is an important message that we’ve got to get out to everyone. You should also do your part by calling officials if you believe you’ve spotted any intoxicated drivers out there on our roadways. Your call can help to save lives.
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Memorial Day is the unofficial kickoff to summer and is a time to celebrate freedom and honor veterans. Unfortunately, it is also a time when parties can get out of control and people can be in danger as a result of drunk driving. 1285084_flag.jpg

If you are having a party this weekend or have friends who are heading out to celebrate, it is important to make smart choices when it comes to drinking and driving. Our Boston drunk driving accident lawyers also urge all drivers on the road to exercise caution over Memorial Day weekend since the number of drunk driving accidents goes up considerably during this holiday celebration.

Memorial Day Drunk Driving Dangers

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, there were more than 470 people killed in car accidents in 2009 over Memorial Day weekend. Many of these accidents occurred as a result of people driving after they had too much to drink.

Far too many people get caught up in the celebration of summer, enjoying a couple of drinks at barbecues, pool parties, picnics and other Memorial Day special events. Unfortunately, when driving home from these Memorial Day celebrations, intoxicated drivers endanger themselves and endanger other people who may happen to be on the road at the same time.

Tips for Staying Safe

Those who are attending or hosting Memorial Day parties should keep some basic tips in mind to try to reduce the number of injuries or fatalities that occur over this holiday weekend. For example:

  • Party hosts should serve alcohol early in the day if they plan to make alcohol available and should considering switching to coffee, tea and other non-alcoholic beverage options a few hours before people plan to leave. This will allow people to enjoy alcoholic drinks but not to drink too much or too close to the time when they need to drive home.
  • Party hosts should be sure to make plenty of non-alcoholic drinks available to designated drivers who attend gatherings.
  • Party hosts should not let anyone leave their home in a car if that person is too intoxicated to drive. Call a cab, drive the guest home yourself or even invite them to stay over before letting someone get into a car drunk.
  • Anyone out celebrating should be sure to have a designated driver with them. Do not make the mistake of assuming you can have just a drink, stop and be able to drive home if you know that you have not been able to do this in the past. Instead, plan ahead so you can have a good time without worrying about how you’ll get back home.

Others who are out on the roads also need to be aware that there are more drunk drivers during the holiday weekend than at other times. Refrain from doing a lot of unnecessary driving, especially late in the evening when parties are letting out, and be on the lookout for intoxicated drivers. If you see something wrong or suspect another driver is intoxicated, considering calling the police to let them know. By helping to get drunk drivers off the road, you could save a life over Memorial Day.
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A former police officer for the city of Northbridge may have lost his job, but he was spared a jail sentence for a drunk driving crash that nearly killed another man after the victim pleaded with the judge for leniency.
Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys know that such an act of forgiveness, while certainly commendable, wouldn’t preclude the victim from filing a personal injury lawsuit against the man who caused him and his family such pain. While a victim may want to help spare someone who made a poor decision from spending decades behind bars, it would remain well within his or her rights to seek compensation in order to assist with lost wages, medical bills, property damage and ongoing health concerns.

Drunk driving cases tend to be among the most emotionally-charged because they are 100 percent preventable. Split-second, momentary distractions – though no less fatal – are at least easier to understand. It’s tougher to forgive someone who made the clear choice to get behind the wheel while intoxicated and put YOUR and your family’s safety at risk.

In this case, the 43-year-old police officer was reportedly off-duty, driving a pickup truck with a 30-year-old passenger in Worcester back in October of 2011 when he crossed the center line on Douglas Road. In doing so, he rammed head-on into another vehicle with a singe male occupant. That individual had to be transported by medical helicopter to UMass Memorial Medical Center. There, he was treated for a broken hip, thigh, knee and ribs, as well as numerous cuts and bruising.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, the officer and his passenger reportedly switched seats in the immediate aftermath of the crash. Several witnesses attested to this, although both the officer and his passenger insisted that she had been driving at the time of the wreck. Both ultimately pleaded guilty to filing a false crime report, with the officer also pleading guilty to DUI causing serious bodily injury.

As a result of the victim’s request for mercy, the judge handed down a three-year probation sentence for the officer, who subsequently lost his job after the incident.

The victim, meanwhile, a custodian at the local public school district, had been on his way home from work at the time of the crash.

The off-duty officer and his girlfriend, meanwhile, had just left a bar where they had been drinking.

Since that night, the victim has been forced to undergo a full hip replacement surgery and he continues to walk with a limp and the assistance of a cane.

Altogether, he and his family have racked up $600,000 in medical bills.

Interestingly, the former officer did not approach the victim to apologize until after the sentence was handed down. Outside the courtroom, the two shook hands.

Still, a handshake and an extension of forgiveness won’t pay this man’s medical bills.

We encourage all people who have been injured in drunk driving crashes to contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to explore your options.
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Drunk drivers put every single person in Boston in grave danger. Law enforcement does their best to stop drunk drivers before they cause an accident, but unfortunately police cannot be everywhere at all times and drunk people continue to drive and cause tragic traffic crashes with alarming regularity.

In an effort to fight the ongoing battle against drunk driving, many people are putting technology to use. One example is a new free app made available by a computer science professor and his students from the University of California Riverside.

Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys urge every driver to consider learning more about this app or about other mobile applications that aim to fight drunk driving. If everyone does their part to help spot and stop drunk drivers, then hopefully there will be fewer injuries or fatal crashes and more people can avoid the heartbreak that comes along with a DUI death.1377498_smart_phone_icon.jpg

How The New App Works
The new app, which is free to download, works based on a simple premise. The app is available for iPhones and Android devices and it allows you to turn your telephone into a DUI camera that constantly monitors what is going on in front of you. The app can be mounted to your dashboard or on your windshield and will continuously record video, which stays stored on the phone for up to 30 minutes. (incidentally, people using these apps who have been involved in an accident, have found the footage extremely helpful).

If you see an erratic driver or someone who appears to be driving drunk, then you can pull over in a safe location and review the video data that was recorded on your app. You will be able to zoom in so that you can get identifying information such as a license plate of the vehicle that was driving erratically. You can then use this information to contact law enforcement and to alert them to the fact that there is a potential drunk driver.

Another of the features that comes along with the free app is the option to send a captured image or even the entire video to investigators. This can help law enforcement to know exactly what they are looking for and to determine if they want to pursue the driver on the basis of what the video reveals. By being able to better identify who a potential drunk driver is (without having to worry about writing down or memorizing the license plate or getting too close to a dangerous driver), more people can be watchful for drunk drivers and can take action.

The app has already been downloaded more than 1,000 times and its creator hopes that more people will embrace the new technology to help in the fight against drunk driving. Today, almost everyone has a cell phone and the vast majority of these cellular phones have a camera or a way to capture video. This new app simply allows you to harness the power of the phone to help catch drunk drivers before they are involved in a crash.
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Drunk driving accidents can always lead to serious legal trouble, but one Needham woman is probably REALLY regretting the decision to drive drunk after she crashed her car into the vehicle of a Massachusetts’ state trooper. The 48-year-old driver was arrested after refusing a breath test at the scene of the accident. This was not the first time she refused a breath test and it was not her first accident.

Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys know that repeat drunk drivers present a major hazard to themselves and to others. They also face serious penalties that get progressively worse as they repeatedly violate driver safety or drunk driving laws. Repeat offenders will typically lose their licenses for long periods of time, which helps to keep them off the road and to keep others safe. 609306_bottle.jpg

The Drunk Driving Accident
The Boston Herald reported on the drunk driving incident involving the Needham woman and the state trooper. According to the article, the woman was driving on the northbound side of Route 128 when she rear-ended the state trooper’s cruiser at approximately 10:45 PM. Law enforcement attempted to administer a breath test at the accident scene but she refused.

Her refusal to submit to a breath test (the second refusal in four years) triggered a suspension of her license for at least the next six months. This is because drivers in Massachusetts are assumed to have given implied consent for a blood alcohol test by virtue of driving on the roads in the state. In other words, when law enforcement have reasonable cause to believe someone is intoxicated, that individual must submit to a blood alcohol test. The driver’s failure to submit to a required breath test, coupled with a troubled past record, prompted action to suspend her license at least on a temporary basis.

The alleged drunk driver, however, may be in a lot more trouble than just a six month license suspension. She is pleading not guilty and was released on bail, but will need to return to court on January 9 for a hearing.

At the hearing, evidence of her past driving problems is likely to count against her in criminal sentencing and could exacerbate the fines, jail time and license suspension she faces. Her four-page record goes back as far as 1984 and includes four speeding tickets as well as seven accidents that she was more than 50 percent responsible for causing. She has also had her license suspended twice in the past, making this most recent license suspension her third. The two prior occasions on which she lost her license occurred after a failure to pay citations for moving violations and after an accident she caused in Quincy.

Repeat Offenders are a Serious Danger
As this recent accident shows, repeat offenders who consistently violate drunk driving laws and other driver safety laws are a menace to the public and can cause accidents that injure innocent victims like the Massachusetts’ state trooper. Criminal sanctions and the criminal court system should be used to keep these dangerous drivers from driving and hurting others while the civil court system should be used to make these drunk drivers literally pay for their bad decisions and the damage those decisions caused.
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Underaged drinking is illegal in Massachusetts and those under age 21 who consume alcohol can face a number of different consequences. Because underage drinking is prohibited by law, serving alcohol to minors is also prohibited. When you allow underage drinking or participate in the practice in any way, you set yourself up for major legal trouble.

Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys strongly urge every adult to make responsible choices when it comes to serving alcohol to minors, which means just saying no to serving minors. This is especially important if the young adults are driving or could potentially drive while intoxicated. 1054507_drunk.jpg

Serving Underaged Guests Leads to Criminal Sanctions
On December 21, 2012, My Fox Boston published a news story about an Arlington couple who were facing “dozens of [criminal] charges.” The couple were in their 50’s and allegedly allowed an under-aged drinking party at their home.

According to My Fox Boston, law enforcement went to the home of the couple after noticing that young people were drunk and leaving from the house. Upon arriving at the party, police saw that the house was full of teenagers drinking from beer cans and plastic cups filled with alcoholic beverages. The older couple was at home while this was occurring and law enforcement found no evidence that the teens had brought the alcohol with them to the home. The assumption, therefore, was that the adults had not just permitted the teens to drink in their home but had perhaps also purchased the alcohol for them to consume.

As a result of the under-aged drinking party thrown at their home, both the husband and wife were arraigned on 33 separate charges of providing alcohol to minors. The consequences if convicted could include jail time, a permanent criminal record and large fines.

Underaged DUI can Lead to Civil Lawsuits
In the case of this underaged drinking party, no one suffered an injury as a result of the poor decision of the adults to provide alcohol to young people. In other cases, however, more serious consequences could have resulted. One or more of the young people could potentially have driven drunk and could have killed themselves or others.

If this occurred, then the couple could also have been sued as a result of giving alcohol to minors. As we discussed in our prior article on Being a Responsible Party Host, Massachusetts imposes liability under social host laws. This means that a person who serves minors or who allows underaged individuals to consume alcohol at his or her home could be sued and held legally responsible for the consequences of any drunk driving accident.

With the potential to both face criminal penalties and a large lawsuit if something goes wrong, there is absolutely no excuse to ever serve alcohol to a minor for any reason.
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Officials with the Massachusetts State Police (MSP) are going to be setting up shop in Middlesex County and hunting down drunk drivers through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

They’ll be out in full force from Friday, November 23rd through Saturday, November 24th. According to the Weltham Patch, the checkpoints that officers will be setting up will be used “to further educate the motoring public and strengthen the public’s awareness to the need of detecting and removing those motorists who operate under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.”
Our Boston drunk driving car accident lawyers understand that our roadways are going to be packed over the holiday weekend. Officials with AAA say that there are going to be more than 43.5 million Americans who will be traveling 50 miles or more from their home over the holiday. Parents are getting out of work, students are getting out of school and visitors are flocking to the area. With the increase in traffic, we’re also going to see an increase in the risks for car accidents. Not only are we going to see some poor driving habits, but we’re also expecting some drunk drivers. It goes hand in hand with holidays.

Thanksgiving is one of the most dangerous holidays during the entire year for these kinds of accidents. This is especially relevant when the sun sets. Most drunk driving accidents happen at nighttime and during weekends.

Of the millions of travelers, about 90 percent of them will be traveling by motor vehicle. That means there are going to be more than 39 million Americans behind the wheel over this long weekend. And that means there’s that many more intoxicated drivers. If alcohol is involved in your Turkey Day celebrations, make sure you have a plan. You need a plan to get home safely or you need a safe place to stay. If you’re one of the sober ones during this time, you’re not free from danger. You’ve got to be on your best behavior behind the wheel to identify and avoid those less responsible.

In 2009, there were close to 350 traffic accident fatalities in the state of Massachusetts. Close to 40 percent of these fatalities involved a driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol, according to Massachusetts’ Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.

Please review the following safety tips to help keep our roadways safe over the holiday weekend:

-Before heading out, make sure you have a sober way to get home. Designate a driver.

-If you don’t have a sober driver, you can call a taxi, you can use public transportation, you can call a friend or a family member for a ride or you can find a safe place to stay.

-Remember that your designated driver should have had nothing to drink. A designated driver isn’t the person who has had the least to drink.

-Report anyone on our roadways who you believe may be intoxicated. Call 9-1-1!
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Police in Braintree are looking to press charges against a 43-year-old Dorchester man.

His problems started last week when officers say they watched him drive up a tree shortly after 1 a.m. Police were reportedly traveling behind the intoxicated driver when he swerved his vehicle off of the road and right into a tree. The collision was so severe that it seriously damaged his car, made the airbags deploy and sent the car up in smoke, according to the Boston Globe.
Police were able to get the man out of the vehicle. He was sent to the South Shore Hospital to be treated for injuries. While he was at the hospital, officers investigated and have charged the motorist with being under the influence of alcohol. He will be summonsed to court on charges of failing to keep within marked lanes as well as operating under the influence of alcohol.

Our Braintree car accident lawyers understand that drunk drivers have a bad habit of getting really drunk! According to a recent release from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in about 70 percent of fatal alcohol-impaired car accidents at least one person returns a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reading of .15 or higher. In 2010, the average BAC among all drivers was a shocking .18.

It’s such a serious problem that a person is killed in one of these crashes every 51 minutes.

Young drivers are most at risk. Drivers who were between the ages of 21- and 24-years-old had the highest percentage of drivers who were legally drunk.

Believe it or not, motorcyclists had the highest percentage of alcohol-impaired drivers involved in deadly accidents.

You’ve got to be careful when driving at night, too. That’s when more drunk drivers tend to be on our roadways. As a matter of fact, the fatal crash rate was four times higher during the nighttime than it was during the daytime in 2010.

During the week, only about 15 percent of drivers involved in fatal car accidents were under the influence of alcohol. In comparison, more than 30 percent of drivers who were involved in deadly accidents were under the influence of alcohol over the weekends.

The drivers who had a BAC of .08 or higher and were involved in a fatal accident were about 4 times more likely to have already have a DWI conviction rather than those with no alcohol in their system.

The thing about each and every one of these accidents is that they were completely preventable. There are too many alternative ways to get home. If you’ve been drinking and you don’t have a sober driver, you can call a cab, take the bus, ride the T, call a friend or a family member or even stay somewhere safe.
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