People living in cities like Boston are constantly using ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft to get around town and get home from bars. While these services were not around a few years ago, now people can’t seem to live without them.

file000240171319According to a recent article from Fox News, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is really stressing the living portion of that expression. MADD and Uber are teaming up, as they have in the past, to curb drunk driving. It makes sense from the perspectives of both Uber and MADD. MADD wants to stop people from driving drunk by getting them to take a ride from a sober driver, and Uber wants to get paid for having their sober drivers give people a ride home. Continue reading

According to recent news article from the Washington Post, a Sergeant Major in the United States Army was standing in his driveway in Fayetteville, N.C. around 9:30 in the morning. He was loading the bed of his pickup truck for a Veteran’s Day weekend fishing trip when a drunk driver struck him.

austintexasriverboarAfter being a veteran of two wars, and after serving 22 years in the military, he was pinned between the bumper of his truck and hood of defendant’s car, and he could smell his flesh burning on the engine of the other car. His truck had been pushed nearly 100 feet from where it was parked and bent in a mangled mess of metal and auto parts. Continue reading

Some drunk driving car accidents result in personal injury and others result in only property damage. Some of the worst car accidents result in serious personal injury and significant property damage.

mmsIFfoAccording to a recent news article from CBS Boston, a mom allegedly crashed her car while she was driving with her two kids in the car. This defendant is a 32-year-old woman from Lowell, Massachusetts. Authorities alleged she was driving under the influence of alcohol when she crashed her car into a utility pole. As a result of the allegedly alcohol-related car crash, her 12-year-old child is believed to have suffered a fractured or broken ankle and was taken to the hospital, along with the young victim’s seven-year-old sibling.

The utility pole was destroyed in the crash, and this caused a series of power lines to fall on the road, closing the road until much later, when emergency utility repair crews could come out and clean up the damage. The road that closed was also the only entry access into a local public school, so the school had to close as well.   Continue reading

Many people get arrested for drunk driving and realize it is a serious matter and do whatever they can to get an expungement of their criminal record and stay out of trouble. This is especially true of college students who have goals of going to law school or medical school, entering the United States military or pursuing any other kind of future employment that requires a criminal background check.

mlJGGaqHowever, there are, of course, people on the other side of the spectrum that do not treat their arrest, possible conviction and criminal record with discretion.

According to a recent news article from Time, a 20-year-old college student was arrested for drunk driving, and she refused to take an alcohol breath test. Under the law in her jurisdiction, as well as the law in most states, refusal to submit to chemical testing (blood, breath or urine) results in an automatic suspension of driving privileges in the state. Continue reading

Nobody wants to get arrested for drunk driving. Obviously, nobody wants to get involved in drunk driving car accident, but as we can see from the many anti-drunk driving billboards and commercials around the country, most prospective drunk driving drivers fear being arrested more than they do being in an alcohol-related car accident.

1316049_untitledFor this reason, many people will do or say almost anything to avoid being arrested for drunk driving. While many will pray as the officer sits in his or her car and runs the suspect’s driving record, it seems some people will go even further to avoid getting arrested for drunk driving. According to a recent news article from Huffington Post, one female DUI suspect allegedly offered oral sex to the police and “other things” if they would release her without charging her with DUI. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from the Morning Sentinel, a Massachusetts man was arrested for driving a stolen motor vehicle while drunk and then crashing.   Authorities say the 34-year-old defendant was heading northbound when another driver on the same road noticed he was driving in an erratic manner.

mPIXIhIThe other motorist called 911, because he was concerned about defendant possibly causing a serious car accident, based upon how he had been driving. A sheriff’s deputy responded to the dispatch, but by the time he located the suspect, the suspect had allegedly crashed. When the deputy arrived at the scene of the crash, he reports to having seen the suspect unloading things from the disabled vehicle and loading them into another car. Continue reading

While drunk driving car accidents, including alcohol-related fatal car accidents, are always problems, there are certain times of year when we see perennial increases in drunk driving incidents. There is a noted increase around the holidays between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day in the fall and winter, along with this time of year, at the end of the summer, when we tend to see a large increase in drunk driving accidents as well.

125242_moralization_-_1It is for this reason the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) runs its annual “Driver Sober or Get Pulled Over” anti-drunk driving public safety campaign around this time of year. According to a recent news article from the Wall Street Journal, the three-week annual campaign goes from late August through Labor Day. Labor day is one of the times when we typically see big increases in drunk driving arrests and drunk driving car accidents. Continue reading

There is no question drunk driving is dangerous. It is dangerous to those in the car, including the driver, and it is dangerous to others on the highways, streets, and sidewalks of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and across the nation. It’s not be a crime to be a passenger in a car where the driver is obviously drunk, people make this choice all the time. One of the reasons for this is because the vast majority of Americans do not fear a drunk driving car accident, even one involving serious personal injury or death. Instead, they mostly fear being arrested for drunk driving, and since you generally cannot be arrested as a passenger, those riding with a drunk driver suffer form a false sense of security. Continue reading

Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft need all of the good publicity they can get these days. While they seem to be very much loved by the general public, they are running into a lot of potential problems with respect to taxi drivers who believe these companies are unfair competition, car accident victims who wish to sue the company instead of individual drivers, and drivers who desire to be treated as employees instead of independent contractors. Continue reading

Drunk drivers in the United States have killed far more people than service members who have been killed in all of the wars in which this nation has participated. This is a staggering number when you think about it, and the sad reality is that millions of people do not take it seriously enough to stop driving drunk each year.

one-car-key-1149771-mIn efforts to attain funding for various anti-drunk driving campaigns, and in the interests of highway safety, many organizations and federal agencies work to determine the number of drunk driving instances each year across the nation and the number of serious drunk driving accidents and alcohol-related traffic fatalities each year. Interestingly, some sources claim the total number of drunk driving incidents is decreasing each year, and other sources claim there is an overall increase. Continue reading

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