Since 1988, the drinking age has been set at 21 in all states throughout the country. While some states had a lower legal age for consuming alcohol in the 1970’s, a series of drunk driving crashes prompted the age to be raised to 21 nationwide. drinking-565345-m.jpg

Since that time, there have been various arguments made periodically suggesting that the drinking age should be lowered back down to 18. Some of these arguments suggest that a lower drinking age would make alcohol less forbidden and less attractive. Others argue that the drinking age is lower in Europe and that youths are less prone to alcohol-related injury there; while still others allege that there should be a lowered drinking age since most young people ignore the current laws and drink anyway.

Despite these arguments, most safety advocates are against a lowered drinking age. Now, a new study conducted at Boston University’s School of Public Health provides more conclusive evidence that lowering the drinking age would increase drunk driving accidents and cause lost lives. Victims of drunk driving accidents with underage drivers can pursue a damage claim against the teens who drink and hurt them, and a Boston drunk driving lawyer can help.
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To pass laws and protect the public, the government needs to gauge the widespread risks of drunk driving. Since 1973, the government has been getting this information by conducting a National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drugged Driving. They survey, which is supported by Mothers Against Drunk Driving and by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, has been conducted five times since 1973. breathalyzer-465392-m.jpg

Now, however, ABC News is reporting that an attempt to obtain the data this year has caused significant controversy nationwide. Many outraged motorists view the actions taken to obtain data as an abuse of power and a violation of constitutional protections.

The issue of motorist’s freedom versus public interest in protecting against drunk driving is one that comes up frequently, including issues related to the legality and propriety of drunk driving checkpoints. While the government does need to protect people’s rights, it also needs to ensure that intoxicated motorists are kept off the road and don’t cause serious accidents. Crash victims can be compensated for collisions with the help of Boston drunk driving lawyers, but prevention is always preferable to taking action after the accident.
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Drunk driving is a problem among all age groups, but teens and college students tend to be at higher risk. Schools have tried a lot of different approaches to discourage intoxicated driving among students, both to protect students and to keep the community safer. Recently, however, a program sat UMass is offering an innovative, albeit potentially problematic, solution that could make a difference. a-bottle-1063442-m.jpg

When a teen driver or college student causes a drunk driving accident, he or she can be held accountable for any injuries or losses that result. Both passengers and other motorists can file a lawsuit to recover compensation with the help of a Boston drunk driving lawyer.
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Officials in Massachusetts recently awarded licenses to 20 different dispensaries of medical marijuana throughout the state. While some question whether the process of granting these licenses was flawed, the fact is that the state is moving forward on a bumpy road towards legalizing marijuana, at least for medical use. flowering-cannabis-plants---hydroponics-indoors-1431036-m.jpg

Massachusetts is not the only state in the U.S. that has liberalized its drug laws and that has made marijuana use more permissible. Medical marijuana has become widely accepted and recreational marijuana use is now allowed in two different locations in the country. While advocates of legalization tout the benefits of this relaxation in the war on drugs, there is also a downside that has become apparent: drugged driving crashes are on the rise.

Victims of a drugged driving crash need to understand their legal rights and pursue a damage claim against the driver responsible. A Boston impaired driving attorney can help victims of a drugged driving crash to obtain compensation for injuries and losses.
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Back in November 2006, and after we saw more than 13,000 drunk driving accident fatalities in accidents, officials with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) kicked off the Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving. This campaign serves as a blueprint for the country to help eliminate these completely preventable tragedies.
Through this campaign, officials work diligently to reduce the risks by offering support for law enforcement officers and high-visibility enforcement activities, legislation to make sure that all convicted drivers have an ignition interlock device and the development of in-car technologies to stop drunk drivers before they set out on our roads.

Our drunk driving car accident attorneys understand that these three factors have been proven to be extremely successful in helping to reduce the risks of these kinds of accidents across the nation. Recently, officials with MADD release its “Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving: 2014 Report to the Nation”. This new report helps to show us what legislative accomplishments have been made thus far, highlights states and their drunk driving reforms, and offers a glimpse of what we can except in future campaigns.
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Public health experts across the world are focusing on young driver safety. In the UK, officials have calling for “a frank and open public debate” on the issue. According to The Information Daily, government officials are dragging their feet in addressing the issue even though it could wind up saving both lives and money.
In January of last year, the government claimed that it would create resource on young driver safety but were still promising come December, stating that they were “wrestling with the issues”. As it stands now, motor-vehicle accidents account for close to 30 percent of the fatalities experienced by 15- to 19-year-olds.

It’s not much better here in the U.S.

Our Boston drunk driving accident lawyers understand that, at all levels of blood-alcohol concentration (BAC), the risk of involvement in a motor vehicle crash is greater for teens than for older drivers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 20 percent of drivers aged 15 to 20 involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes were drinking.
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It took less than two hours for a Hampden Superior County jury to figure out that the defendant was guilty. They found her guilty of an alcohol-related charge, but not motor vehicle homicide, in a chain-reaction accident that claimed the life of a Holyoke man back in 2011, according to MassLive. The 33-year-old driver was sentenced to three years of probation, against a prosecution request for a 1 and a half-year jail sentence.
The accident happened when the now sentenced driver slammed into a parked SUV back in June of 2011 on Lincoln Street. The woman who was fatally injured in the accident ran outside of her home to help a victim in the flipped car, only to be hit by a passing vehicle and killed. The second driver in this case was initially charged with negligent vehicular manslaughter, but that case was later dropped.

Our drunk driving accident attorneys in Massachusetts feel it important to point out that the first driver’s blood-alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit. Unfortunately, this case illustrates the limits of the criminal justice system. As a part of the sentence, the convicted driver is required to abstain from unprescribed drugs and alcohol, submit to a random alcohol and drug screening and attended three Alcoholics Anonymous meetings a week.
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A driver from Natick who thought he was doing the right thing was actually turning himself in. According to ABC40, the 21-year-old driver walked right into a police station during the early-morning hours to report that he had crashed his vehicle. At that time, officers smelled alcohol on him and decided to perform field sobriety tests, which the driver failed. He was ruled to be over the legal limit to drive.
At that moment, officers arrested the man and charged him with driving to endanger and driving under the influence of liquor. He was later releases and pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Our drunk driving accident lawyers in Natick understand that intoxicated individuals don’t always make the best of decisions. Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory — clearly, alcohol affects the brain. Drivers use their hands, eyes, and feet to control the car; but their hands, eyes, and feet must be controlled by their brains. Safe driving requires alertness and the ability to make quick decisions in rapidly changing situations. Drinking alcohol can have a profound effect on driving skills.
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Super Bowl Sunday is one of America’s biggest and most entertaining national sporting events, as friends and families gather to socialize and watch the big game. Yet, it has also become one of the nation’s most dangerous days on the roadways due to impaired driving.
Often, Super Bowl Sunday parties also feature alcoholic beverages in abundance. In 2009, for example, nearly 50 million cases of beer may have been consumed during Super Bowl gatherings (not counting those sold at the actual game).

Our drunk driving accident attorneys in Boston understand that Super Bowl Sunday is a big day for all of us, but it’s important that we make it a safe one. Before heading out for the big game, make sure your play book is filled with safe and sober ways to get home. If you’re hosting the home team at your own house to watch the game, make sure you’ve got a game plan too, to make sure your guests are safe.
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A man from Easton recently entered a plea of “not guilty” to the Taunton District Court after officers arrested him for his 8th drunk driving charge. According to The Boston Globe, the 46-year-old man was arraigned on charges of carrying an open container of alcohol, driving with a revoked driver’s license and operating under the influence of alcohol.
An officer encountered the driver on the side of Winthrop Street while he was sitting in his parked car just before 2:00 a.m. When the officer asked why he was parked there, the driver held up a closed flip phone and explained he was trying to text message. Officers noticed that the man had a plastic cup, of what appeared to be alcohol, in his hand. They asked to search the vehicle and wound up finding and open bottle of brandy.

Our drunk driving accident attorneys understand just how serious this problem is here in Massachusetts. But it’s not just a problem here in Massachusetts, it’s elsewhere throughout the U.S. Last year, there were more than 10,300 people killed in drunk driving accidents. In Massachusetts, we saw close to 150 people die, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Several policies and practices have been implemented across jurisdictions to address drunken driving, including increasing the minimum drinking age and lowering illegal thresholds for blood alcohol concentration (BAC). But how effective are they?
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