Zero tolerance laws in Massachusetts prohibit young drivers from consuming even a single drink and getting behind the wheel. Unfortunately, many teens are having far more than just one beer. Studies show that extreme binge drinking is common among high school seniors. Unfortunately, teens who engage in extreme binge drinking are likely to be so intoxicated that their judgment may be impaired and they may decide to drive while intoxicated or to get in the car with someone who is drunk. half-full-glass-1331076-m.jpg

Our Boston drunk driving accident lawyers know that the more someone has to drink, the greater the risk that he or she will cause an accident and injure himself or someone else. Teens who binge drink need to understand the serious risk of getting into a car when they’ve consumed so much alcohol, and parents need to be aware that binge drinking is a popular yet dangerous phenomenon among young people.
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Officials with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have teamed up with the National Football League (NFL) for the fourth year in a row to help to promote safe and sober driver throughout the professional football season. The message here is to make sure that everyone’s got a designated, sober driver.
Officials with MADD will be joining in on some of the NFL games this year and talking with fans about their designated driver. They’ll be providing useful information for everyone as well as roaming the parking lots to help to promote.

Our Boston drunk driving car accident lawyers understand that we’ve got some hardcore New England Patriots in the area, and we also understand we’ve got some serious drinkers here, too. We’re not telling you not to drink, we’re just asking that you don’t get behind the wheel after doing so. Through the four-year partnership between officials with MADD and with the NFL, they have been able to raise their participation for non-drinking designated drivers by about 30 percent each and every year.
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Nationwide, legislators, law enforcement officers and courts are tough on repeat drunk drivers, especially when those offenders are responsible for causing accidents that result in injury or death. Ten years ago, a drunk driver maimed a New York City police officer while on vacation in Florida. Now the same driver has plead guilty to injuring two Massachusetts men in another catastrophic drunk driving accident.


Drunk drivers must be held accountable for their actions, both in criminal court and in civil cases. Our Massachusetts drunk driving accident attorneys are experienced with helping our clients protect their rights and aggressively pursue claims against negligent individuals and entities. We are experienced in handling complex cases involving repeat offenders and will take every necessary step to ensure that responsible parties are held accountable. Our legal team is also committed to raising awareness about the dangers of alcoholism and repeat drunk driving to stop future accidents, injuries and preventable fatalities.
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While Massachusetts police officers are usually in the business of responding to the scene of an accident, a recent drunk-driving case involved an officer blamed for a DUI collision that caused two deaths. The tragic accident sheds light on the reality that anyone could be a victim, and anyone who chooses to drink and drive could be the cause of a fatal accident.

After a deadly DUI collision, a Massachusetts officer was suspended indefinitely and without pay while investigators determine the cause of the accident. The department is also looking into whether the officer violated any internal rules. Our Massachusetts drunk driving accident attorneys are dedicated to raising awareness about the potential dangers of drunk driving and in helping victims and their families protect their rights. Immediately after an accident, we will pursue an independent investigation to determine the cause of an accident and identify all responsible parties.


In this tragic case, the lives of two victims, a mother, 64 and her daughter, 23 were taken after they were driving home from a Boston Red Sox game. According to reports, the two were driving home from the game when involved in a head-on collision with a 25-year-old off-duty Massachusetts State Police Trooper. After testing the young officer, troopers determined that he had a blood alcohol level of three times the legal limit.
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Drunk-driving accidents are painful and shocking for everyone involved, especially when the accident results in an injury or death. For victims and their families, there are no answers. For alleged drunken drivers, the knowledge of being at fault for a deadly accident can be unbearable. In a drunk-driving case that went viral over the Internet last month, a man once in denial of the costs of his bad decision, made a YouTube video confessing his responsibility in a drunk driving accident that killed another man.


Drunk drivers face potential criminal as well as civil penalties. In the event of a drunk driving accident, our Massachusetts drunk driving accident attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of victims and their families. We will take a comprehensive approach to identify individuals and entities, including bar owners and others who may be responsible for a DUI accident. We are committed to holding drunk drivers responsible and to helping victims recover maximum compensation for their losses.

Many drivers are still drunk when apprehended at the scene of an accident. In an Ohio case, a driver was confronted at the hospital by police who informed him that he killed a man in a drunk driving accident. Police reported that he was angry and denial, shouting that he did not killing anyone and refused to provide a blood sample. When the driver sobered up, he quickly realized the severity of his actions and decided to take a different approach.
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Most reports featuring drinking and driving cases involve high-profile celebrity criminal cases or local DUI accidents. This week, a DUI case made national headlines after a jury awarded $5 million for punitive damages. While criminal charges are usually brought after DUI accidents, many people forget that victims are also entitled to pursue civil cases against negligent drivers and other entities that may be responsible for the accident.

Drinking and driving accidents are devastating and for victims, the consequences are irreversible. Our Massachusetts DUI accident attorneys are dedicated to raising awareness to reduce drinking and driving and to holding negligent drivers accountable. We take a strategic and aggressive approach to protect the rights of victims and their families. Civil claims allow victims to demonstrate negligence and to collect monetary damages for their losses resulting from an accident.


In a recent case, a jury awarded $5 million punitive damages to a family of a Maryland married couple who died after a Miccosukee tribal member slammed into their vehicle. The driver was sentenced to 12 years in prison after he plead guilty to 2 counts of manslaughter. The jury awarded the surviving children $30 million for pain and suffering and loss of parental guidance as well as $5 million in punitive damages.
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The statistics are in, and women are being involved in more and more drunk driving car accidents and arrests. According to The Century Council, the problem of drunk driving has predominantly been viewed as a man’s issue, but the tables are turning.
Female drunk driving has become a growing concern since the late ’80s. Just 20 years ago, women accounted for less than 10 percent of the nation’s drunk driving arrests. Since then, the proportion has increased dramatically, up about 30 percent from 1997 to 2007. Officials are looking deep into the problem to try and find solutions and to help better prioritize female drunk drivers in the context of the overall drunk driving problem.

Our Boston drunk driving accident lawyers understand that, generally speaking, women are less likely to drink than men. On the other hand, self-report data indicated that female drinking and driving behavior is mixed. There have been a number of explanations provided for the increase in female drunk driving arrests. Some say that it’s because of a declining trend in male arrests — making the female arrests more noticeable. Others say that it’s because of the changes in legal policy and enforcement practices — that there’s now a greater likelihood that law enforcement will detect and arrest female drunk drivers. Some have even said that it’s because women are more likely to be affected by alcohol, even at lower blood-alcohol concetrations (BAC) and because of the physiological differences. Many studies indicate that women have less alcohol metabolizing enzyme in their stomachs, as well as having smaller volumes of distribution.
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Sometimes there’s just no stopping drunk drivers — or so it seems. According to the Patriot Ledger, a 51-year-old man from New Bedford was arrested on his fourth drunk driving charge and for driving with a revoked driver’s license after he nearly slammed into the Back River Bridge in Weymouth.
The man was also charged with a marked lanes violation, refusing to identify himself, driving with an open container of alcohol and driving to endanger. It all happened shortly after 3:00 a.m. on Lincoln Street. When officers stopped the intoxicated driver, they reported that they could not understand him as his speech was “so extremely slurred.” While attempting to complete field sobriety tests, the driver allegedly almost fell down and was put under arrest when he “passed out lying across the cruiser’s rear seat.”

Our New Bedford drunk driving accident lawyers understand that this incident falls under the state’s Melanie’s Law, which means that anyone who is convicted of drunk driving in the state with a driver’s license that has already been revoked because of a drunk driving charge is required to serve a minimum mandatory jail sentence of one year. This law is in place to help to prevent repeat offenses. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), about one-third of the drunk driving problem – arrests, crashes, deaths, and injuries – come from repeat offenders.
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Our Boston drunk driving accident lawyers know that it is extremely important to get drunk drivers off the road before they cause an accident or hurt themselves or others. Of course, the needs of the public to stop drunk drivers must be balanced against constitutional protections, including the right to be free from unlawful search and seizure. police-on-the-scene-1172422-m.jpg

Unfortunately, according to, a decades-old law has created a loophole allowing for drunk drivers to get away with driving while impaired. The loophole has been described by police in Massachusetts as hamstringing law enforcement efforts aimed at “stopping the highway carnage caused by drunk drivers.” Safety advocates and law enforcement officials argue that the loophole needs to be changed to make the roads safer.
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In Massachusetts, Melanie’s Law requires those convicted of a second drunk driving offense to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicles. These repeat drunken driving offenders must keep the ignition interlock device installed for two years if they want their license reinstated. breathalyzer-465392-m.jpg

Our Boston drunk driving accident lawyers know that ignition interlock devices help to prevent many accidents by preventing intoxicated motorists from getting behind the wheel. Now, advocates are urging Boston lawmakers to extend the ignition interlock requirement to any motorist who is convicted of drunk driving, even for a first offense.
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