A night on the town may be all in good fun, that is until it’s time to go home. Too many times, late night revelers hop into the driver’s seat after having had a few too many cocktails. But there’s one nightclub that may be able to help to stop all that — with its “pee analyzer.”
According to the Huffington Post, a nightclub in Singapore has equipped it’s restrooms with detectors that are able to analyze your blood-alcohol level. Although this is only a feature available in the men’s restroom, it’s still working to save lives. How it works is restroom users trade in their keys for a computerized RFID cards when they walking into the nightclub. If their urine tests above a certain alcohol level, the cards are tagged, prompting a warning to display above the urinal stating that they should call a taxi or use the club’s drive home service. When the partier wished to get their keys at the end of the night, the valet takes a scan of the automated card and looks at their condition. If returning high test results, the valet will recommend a cab service.
Our Quincy drunk driving accident lawyers understand that close to 600 clubgoers were recently tested with this new system. Close to 350 people had to call a cab or find someone to drive them home after getting warnings from the valet. Those are close to 350 people who could have wound up in fatal accidents.
But Singapore isn’t the only place to take responsibility in helping its guests to get home safely. Another nightclub in Belgium is making the same kind of effort. This club has set up a breathalyzer checkpoint outside to have drivers tested. A Long Island nightclub has started handing out free taxi rides to partiers who appear to be intoxicated.
While many determine the pee analyzer to be the most advanced way to test for intoxication, some experts believe that it’s too unreliable.
While you may not be able to test your pee in nightclubs around town, it’s ultimately better safe than sorry. If you’ve been drinking, your best bet is to find an alternative (and sober) ride home. With this, you have many options. First, you can call a taxi or a cab service to come pick you up. Secondly, you can call a friend or family member. There has to be someone around who you know and who is sober that can help to get you home safely.
If none of those work, you can always use public transportation. Ride the bus or use the subway. If you’ve gone through all of those options and you’re still left without a safe and sober ride home, your best bet might be to just bunk up for the night. Stay at a friend’s house, a family member’s place or snag a hotel room. Even if you’ve got to get a room, it’s still a heck of a lot cheaper than a DUI conviction, which could wind up costing you thousands.
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