The Boston Herald has reported that officers in Massachusetts have seen a significant decrease in the number of drunk driving busts within the last 5 years, according to recently released statistics from the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV).

That doesn’t mean there are less drunk drivers on our roadways or that were seeing less drunk driving accidents in Boston or elsewhere. In fact, another recent Herald report, released around the same time, says that Massachusetts also reported an increase in the number of operating under the influence arrests.
According to one set of RMV calculations, OUI offenses totaled 14,834 in 2010. This number is reportedly down from 17,804 in 2008 and down from 15,850 in 2006. These numbers varying significantly from the numbers the Herald cited in a story published earlier based on statistics from the RMV’s Merit Rating Board. These statistics are cataloged motor vehicle violations and that are sorted by the specific type of offense.

Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys would like to point out that the initial story read, “Numbers for the first quarter of 2011, 2,036 arrests, suggest the state could top 8,000 drunken-driving arrests this year, for a nearly 12 percent increase over last year, and a 22 percent jump since 2006.” An RMV spokesman says that those numbers are inaccurate. Either way, drivers need to be extremely cautious of intoxicated drivers on our roadways as accidents with these motorists can oftentimes turn deadly.

According to an RMV spokesman, the statistics that illustrate a decreased in the number of busts can only list specific categories of OUIs. In fact, the largest number of uncounted OUI violations came from cases in which the offender was sentenced in court to alcohol rehabilitation or treatment. Many of these cases are not reported in total findings of OUI busts.

“Our people can read it. It needs to come with instructions for everyone else,” said RMV spokesman Richard Nangle, apologizing for any confusion that may have resulted.

State police spokesman David Procopio says that a decrease in OUI violations would most likely mean that there are fewer police to patrol the roads — not fewer drunk drivers. Regardless, there is in fact still a significant number of intoxicated drivers plaguing our roadways.

The total number of state police officers in Massachusetts has decreased from 2,600 in 2006 to about 2,100 today. Less patrol means less busts, which ultimately leads the public to believe that our roadways are safer than they actually are.

“That said, even though our numbers are down, our will and determination to get drunks off the road is as strong as ever,” Procopio said. “We consider drunk-driving enforcement to be one of our most important priorities. The act of getting impaired and getting behind the wheel of a car shows just a complete disregard for human life.”
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A Dorchester driver that recently slammed his van, full of special-needs adults, into a garbage truck is now being accused of driving while under the influence of drugs. The Massachusetts drugged driving accident injured 12 of the special-needs passengers.

Authorities recently discovered his out-of-state driving history, including illegal possession of drugs, leaving the scene of an accident, driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street and speeding. Every single one of these incidents happened during the last 10 years in the state of New York, according to the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.
“I’m assuming that’s the sort of thing people would check before you hire,” said Rep. Kay Khan (D-Newton), House chairwoman of the state Legislature’s Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.

Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys believe it’s negligent for an employer to hire a professional driver who has an abysmal driving record. When an employer fails to conduct background checks, or otherwise cuts corners, people are too often injured or killed in “accidents.” These drivers are expected to safely navigate passengers to their appropriate destinations. If the proper background checks are not conducted before hire, passenger safety is compromised and the risks of being involved in a serious accident greatly increase.

The accident happened when the bus, belonging to Chestnut Hill-based AART, was heading north on Highland Street in Newton. The van ran into a Waste Management Services truck that was contracted by the city, according to the Boston Herald.

One of the passengers had to be extricated with the Jaws of Life. He and three others were taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The driver of the car and the nine other passengers were transported to Newton-Wellesley Hospital.

Now, the driver of that bus is being charged with driving under the influence of drugs and is being held on $15,000 bail, reports the Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office.

In addition to being subjected to criminal and driving background checks, all drivers interested in working in the state of Massachusetts must have a valid state license from Massachusetts or from a contiguous state and three years of experience driving multi-passenger vehicles. They’re also required by law to provide written references, undergo an annual Criminal Offender Record Information check and have an annually updated RMV report on file with their employer.

Jennifer Kritz, a spokeswoman for the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, says that employers are asked to use their best judgment regarding the hiring of a driver that shows a history of violations. At a minimum, those who are seeking employment as a driver that have a history of serious moving violations within the past 10 years should not be considered.
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A drunk driving car accident in Quincy killed one and injured two recently. A Plymouth man is now facing drunken driving charges after the incident.

Authorities responded to the accident around 12:30 a.m. at Quincy Shore Drive at Rice Road. The head-on collision involved a 1995 Ford Explorer and a 2007 Chevy Silverado, according to The Boston Globe. The southbound-heading Silverado drifted into the northbound land and struck the Explorer.

The 50-year-old driver of the Explorer was transported to Boston Medical Center. He was later pronounced dead. The passenger in the explorer, a 22-year-old Dorchester man, was also transported to Boston Medical Center. The Silverado passenger, 27-years-old, was also taken to the hospital. It has been reported that both passengers suffered serious injuries.
Thankfully, both passengers were wearing their seat belts at the time of the accident, but our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys know that even a seat belt may not be able to save you in an accident with a drunk driver. It was unclear whether the Explorer driver was wearing his seat belt or not.

State troopers concluded that the driver of the Silverado was indeed intoxicated, but have yet to specify the degree. He has been charged with motor-vehicle homicide while operating under the influence, two counts of operating under the influence of alcohol causing serious bodily injury, operating under the influence of alcohol, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and marked lanes violation.

“The State Police will continue to hammer drunk drivers,” said State Police spokesman David Procopio. “It will always be a priority to get them off the roads, but motorists have to realize too that getting behind the wheel buzzed or drunk is like playing Russian roulette, and sooner or later the chamber with the bullet is coming around, and the person who gets hit sometimes is not the one holding the gun.”

Alcohol-impaired drivers are likely to cause serious injury or death on our roadways. According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), someone is killed on our roadways in an accident that involves an alcohol-impaired driver every 48 minutes. Nearly 11,000 people died on roadways across the country because of these accidents in 2009 alone. Even though we’ve experienced a decrease in the number of traffic fatalities in recent years, we have yet to experience a decrease in fatalities that result from these alcohol-related crashes in the last 10 years.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation offers drivers these tips to help avoid a drunk driving accident:

-Don’t drive if you have been drinking. It doesn’t matter how “little” you’ve had, your ability to operate a motor vehicle can be compromised even after consuming one drink.

-Don’t let your friends drive drunk. If you know someone who is about to drive after they’ve been drinking, take their keys and help them make arrangements to get to where they are going safely.

-Make a plan. When you know you’ll be out consuming alcohol, find a designated driver or try a public transportation bus, train, taxi or walking.

-Save some money. The average total cost for a first-time drunk driving conviction is roughly $7,800.

-If you think you’ve spotted a person that is driving drunk, stay away from them and call 911 to report the driver to law enforcement.

-Don’t ride a bicycle drunk either. Alcohol impairs your ability to safely ride a bicycle as well.

-If you host a party, make sure that your guests are sober and do not drive after drinking. If you can, let your buddies stay over and sleep it off.
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A Worcester woman was slapped with a sentence of two years in prison after rear-endearing State Police Colonel Marian McGovern, making this drunk driving accident in Massachusetts her fifth DUI incident.

The woman was driving to work when the accident happened. In addition to the two-year prison sentence, she was also placed on probation for 10 years, had her driver’s license permanently revoked and was fined $100 for unlicensed operation.
“I am satisfied that the judicial system took its course in this case,” said McGovern. “What concerns me greatly, however, is not the crash in which I was a victim, but the steady stream of crashes, many of them caused by impaired, distracted, and careless drivers, that continue to plague our highways.”

Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys understand that intoxicated drivers will continue to plague our roadways no matter how many times they’ve been convicted of driving under the influence. These irresponsible and careless drivers oftentimes involve themselves in motor-vehicle accidents with innocent motorists. As current law states, repeat offenders must have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle for two years. No law is currently in place to regulate impaired driving by first time offenders. They’re still “trusted” to make the right decisions.

The drunk driver slammed her pickup into the back of a unmarked car that was stopped at a red light in Shrewsbury, according to My Fox Boston. The head of the Massachusetts State Police was driving that vehicle, but luckily, no one was injured and the driver was arrested at the scene.

The Massachusetts woman had four previous convictions for operating under the influence in the 1990s, according to The Daily Shrewsbury.

Two state troopers have been injured in car accidents this month alone. There have been nearly 50 law enforcement officers injured since January of 2010. Half of these injuries were caused by drivers that were under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

“Drivers need to be aware of the potentially deadly consequences of their behavior, and also realize that State Police are out in force looking for them,” McGovern said.

Drunk drivers pose threats to all motorists on our roadways. Oftentimes, it is the innocent and sober drivers that suffer injuries and death from an accident with an irresponsible and drunk driver.

According to FARS data, about a third of all drivers that are arrested for DUI are repeat offenders. Roughly 1 out of 8 intoxicated drivers that are involved in a fatal accident have had a prior DWI conviction within the past 3 years.

“It bothers me when I see someone that has had five, six or seven arrests because I know that they have been drinking and driving more than those five or six times,” said Larry Kendall, who is the regional coordinator for the Governor’s Highway Safety Program. “No one gets arrested every time they’re drinking and driving.”
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A proposed bill could require that all convicted drunk drivers have an ignition interlock device installed in their cars. This rule would apply to ALL convicted drunk drivers, instead of just repeat offenders like the current law states. These devices require a driver to breathe into them and would only start the car if their blood alcohol content was within the legal limit. These devices aim to reduce the risks of drunk driving car accidents in Massachusetts.

“Every repeat offender was a first-time offender once,” said David DeIuliis, the interim state director for Massachusetts Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD). “If the objective is to reduce drunk driving and reduce repeat offenses, an easy way to do it is to take the first offense more seriously.”
The use of these devices started back in 2005 as a part of Melanie’s Law. The law was named after a 13-year-old girl who was hit by a repeat offender when she was walking down a street in Marshfield. Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys understand that in many of these drunk driving accidents, it is innocent motorists and pedestrians that suffer the most. Ignition interlock devices are one way to help prevent innocent residents from being seriously injured, or killed, in an accident with one of these intoxicated drivers.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Robert Hedlund, would require that first-time offenders have these devices installed in their vehicles for six months once they’ve received their driver’s license back. Repeat offenders would be required to have the device in their car for two years, according to 22 News.

Those who support the bill also believe that these devices would be an effective tool in preventing first-time offenders from becoming repeat offenders. During the testimony in support of the bill, supporters will be demonstrating these devices on a vehicle that will be parked near the capitol. They will be offering their testimony to the Transportation Advisory Committee.

Last session, the committee endorsed a similar bill. That bill failed to make to make it through the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

“Everything in that bill was dealing with repeat offenders. We don’t do enough to prevent them from becoming repeat offenders,” DeIuliis said.

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Connecticut lawmakers were recently able to pass similar legislation for first-time offenders. It was the15th state to use ignition interlocking devices.

Not only will those convicted of a DUI be required to breathe into the device to start the vehicle, they’ll also have to complete “rolling tests,” which force the driver to randomly blow into the device once the car is in motion. These rolling tests are to prevent drunk drivers from having someone else blow to get the car started.

“I have come around as a believer in the technology. I have heard from people who say ‘it has helped me from getting into difficult situations,’ ” Hedlund said, talking about conversations he had with repeat offenders.

Nearly 550 drivers have been required to use the device. Each driver must pay $91 a month for the device.
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A 16-year-old boy was hit and killed by a drunk driver in Massachusetts last month as he was leaving a community picnic with a group of his friends. They were there at the gathering to enjoy the fireworks display at Mashpee High School, the Boston Herald reports.

The boy’s peers told police that the drunk driver’s SUV swerved and hit the young boy near the intersection of Old Barnstable Road and Leather Leaf Lane. The accused drunk driver allegedly left the scene after hitting the boy, but was later stopped by Mashpee Police as her car sat in a line of traffic that was leaving the fireworks show.

The boy’s mother, Kelly Pearsall, stood at the Falmouth District Court the day after losing her son and watched the drunk driver be arraigned on motor vehicle homicide charges.
Motor-vehicle accidents that involve a drunk driver have a good chance of producing deadly results. These fatalities are completely preventable. Many times, the people who suffer from these accidents the most are the innocent and sober ones. Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys understand that innocent children are oftentimes the victims of these careless crimes.

“It’s ironic that at the same time she is here, exactly to the minute, my son was donating his heart,” said Pearsall.

The drunk driver was former police dispatcher Monica Mitchell. She is currently employed by the Housing Assistance Corporation on Cape Cod.

After the arraignment, District Court Judge Joan Lynch released her on own recognizance.

The drunk driver is scheduled to appear back in court for a pretrial hearing on August 10th. She faces charges of motor vehicle homicide while under the influence of alcohol and driving to endanger, leaving the scene of personal injury accident resulting in death, a marked-lanes violation and a separate charge of driving to endanger.

“This is all I have of him,” Kelly Pearsall said outside the courtroom while clinging on to her son’s baby blanket. “I have this piece and he has a piece of baby blanket in his hand.”

Unfortunately, children oftentimes are the ones injured in these drunk driving accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 1,500 children under the age of 15 were killed in traffic accidents in 2009. Nearly 200, or 14 percent, of these fatalities were happened to child occupants of vehicles that were involved in accidents that involved an alcohol-impaired driver. Another 27 of these fatalities, or 15 percent, were child pedestrians or bicyclists that were struck by a drunk driver.

This is a tragedy that is tough to handle. But it should serve as a reminder and a lesson not to drink and drive in order to prevent these types of crashes in the future. If you feel uneasy about driving after drinking, call a cab. It could save a life.
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A drunk driving accident in Boston landed one man in jail after he ran into a street sign on Keystone Street and then tried to flee the scene, according to the West Roxybury Patch. The driver reportedly had a .22 blood alcohol content (BAC) reading. The state’s legal BAC level is .08.

Witnesses to the accident stopped and detained the suspect while they called for police and waited for them to arrive on scene. Police report that the driver smelled of alcohol and had red, glassy eyes when they arrived. Although it was already obvious, the driver admitted to officers that he had been drinking that evening.
Our Boston drunk driving accident attorneys are thankful that no one was injured in this incident, but that’s not always the case. Unfortunately, drunk driving accidents often times result in serious, if not fatal, injuries. These injuries sometimes happen to innocent motorists. These drunk driving accidents account for roughly a third of all traffic accidents in the United States. They are entirely preventable with the proper enforcement and driver effort.

The drunk driver was taken into custody by offers and transported to District E-5 to be booked. He has been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. His vehicle was towed from the scene and police report that his vehicle had extensive damage to the front end from that collision with the street sign.

Luckily, it was the drunk driver’s vehicle and the street sign that were damaged in the accident, but the fact is many motorists and innocent residents are usually the victims in these types of accidents.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that nearly 11,000 motorists were killed in traffic accidents that involved an alcohol-impaired driver in 2009 alone. The agency calculates that to being one person is killed in a drunk driving accident every 48 minutes.

Most drunk driving accidents happen during the daytime hours. Surprisingly enough, most of them happen during weekdays rather than weekend days. Drivers ages 21- to 24-years-old make up the age group with the highest percentage of drivers that are involved in fatal drunk driving accidents. Nearly 150 people were killed in Massachusetts because of car accidents that involved an impaired-driver in 2009.

For a motorist’s first drunk driving offense, they can expect to spend no more than 2 1/2 years in the jail. They can also be slapped with a fine ranging anywhere between $500 and $5,000. Lastly, they can have their license suspended for 1 year.

But regardless of fines, fees, jail time and other punishments, nothing can bring back the life of a person that has been killed in a drunk driving accident, nor can it undo any of the damage that has been done both physically and mentally to the families of innocent victims. Talk with your teen drivers, friends and family and make sure they drive safe because the criminal penalties often aren’t a deterrent to drunk drivers. Let’s work together to keep our roads safe from drunk drivers.
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The U.S. Coast Guard is warning all boaters of the increased risks for boating accidents in Massachusetts and elsewhere along the Northeastern United States during the upcoming holiday weekend. The Fourth of July not only brings out the most boaters, but it also holds the tragic distinction for being the deadliest time on our waterways.
Over the last 12 Fourth of July holidays, 40 deaths have occurred on our local waters. Boaters of all types are at risk. Of these 40 deaths, 21 happened in motorboats, seven on personal watercraft, seven in canoes, three on sailboats and one each from aboard a pedal boat and a rowboat.

Our Boston personal injury attorneys would first of all like to wish everyone a happy Fourth of July. We’d now like to take the time to ask everyone to be extra safe on our waterways over this three-day weekend. Not only do we experience the most fatal accidents on our roadways during this time period, but we also experience the most boating fatalities as well.

Just as motor-vehicle drivers are asked to not drink and drive, boaters are asked the same. A majority of boating accidents that have occurred during this holiday period involve an intoxicated driver.

“Alcohol has been involved in 45% of our Fourth of July holiday fatalities,” said Al Johnson, the recreational boating specialist for the First Coast Guard District in Boston., “and it impairs your ability to operate a vehicle or vessel. If you plan to use alcohol to fuel your high-spirited celebration of our country’s independence, be realistic and responsible – stay off the road, stay off the water.”

Your best boating insurance for surviving sudden water emergencies is just to simply wear a life jacket. It is required by law that each boat holds a life jacket for every passenger on the boat.
“On the brighter side and with nice summer weather forecasted for the weekend, whether you’re captain of your vessel, a ride-along passenger, an experienced sailor or casual paddler, awareness is the key ingredient for this holiday period,” said Johnson.

The Coast Guard is asking that all boaters that are planning on venturing out on the water this Fourth of July weekend practice safe boating habits — please be responsible and prudent mariners. They also ask that you save the alcohol for when the trip is complete and maintain a constant safety vigil.

Discover Boating offers these tips to boaters to help them to enjoy a safe and relaxing holiday weekend:

-Keep an eye on the weather. Always check weather conditions before venturing out on the water. If you’ve already set sail and you notice darkening clouds, volatile and rough changing winds, or sudden drops in temperature, play it safe and get off the water.

-Use your head. Common sense may be one of the most important parts of boating safety. You should always operate at a safe speed, especially in crowded areas. Stay alert and steer clear of large vessels. Respect buoys and other navigational aids. These devices have been placed there to help keep boaters safe.

-Designate an assistant. Make sure that there is another person on your boat that is familiar with all aspects of your boat’s handling, operations, and other boating safety tips.

-Make sure you’ve got your life jackets. The majority of drowning victims are the result of not wearing a life jacket at the time of a boating accident.

-Stay sober. Keep the alcohol for later. Your chances of being involved in a boating accident doubles once alcohol is involved. A number of studies conclude that the affect of alcohol is exacerbated by external effects such as sun and wind.

-Take advantage of a free vessel safety check. The U.S. Coast Guard offers free boat examinations to help you make sure that you’ve got all of the safety equipment that is required by state and federal regulations. They also help you to make sure that your equipment is in good working order.

“You can relax and enjoy your time on the water, but be aware of what’s going on around you, the weather, the status of your vessel and passengers, as well as the proximity of other vessels – be prepared,” said Johnston.
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The Fourth of July is a popular holiday for families to gather over the long holiday weekend and celebrate our country’s independence. The Greater Boston area provides an endless list of Fourth of July events to attend over the three-day weekend. We wish you an enjoyable holiday weekend. Please celebrate responsibly and do your part to avoid a drunk driving car accident in Boston or anywhere else in Massachusetts.

According to Fox Business, the Fourth of July is the deadliest time of the year to be on our roadways. Every year, more people die on because of traffic accidents than during any other holiday period. The upcoming holiday weekend will kill more people in drunk driving accidents than even New Year’s Day.
Our Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers urge all motorists to be extra cautious during this Fourth of July weekend. We not only ask you to not drink and drive, but we ask you to be on the lookout for motorists who may be intoxicated behind the wheel. With cooperation from everyone, we may be able to increase safety on our roadways and reduce the number of fatal holiday traffic accidents.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Fourth of July has been the most deadly holiday on our roadways almost every year for the last 25 years. On average, more than 50 percent of all fatal traffic accidents that happen on the Fourth of July are alcohol related.

The most recent traffic accident data for this holiday weekend, which is from two years ago, concludes that 491 people died in car accidents over the three-day Fourth of July weekend. Of these 491 deaths, more than 40 percent of them died as a result of alcohol-impaired driving.
It’s true that most people think that New Year’s Day, or rather late New Year’s Eve, is the most deadly time on our roadways. For this reason, a lot of people stay off our roadways during this time. Most people don’t fear drunk driving accidents as much during the Fourth of July, which is why more motorists turn up on the road during this time.

“Drunk driving is a major public safety threat that still claims thousands of lives every year,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. “Many states continue to step up their efforts to get drunk drivers off our roads, but the numbers tell us we have to do more.”

Drunk driving accidents on holiday weekend produced these fatalities in 2009:

-Fourth of July (3-day period): 410 deaths, more than 40 percent alcohol related.

-Labor Day (3-day period): 360 deaths, 38 percent alcohol related.

-Memorial Day (3-day period): 473 deaths, 42 percent alcohol related.

-New Year’s (4-day period): 468 deaths, 40 percent alcohol related
-Thanksgiving (4-day period): 411 deaths, 34 percent alcohol related.

-Christmas (3-day period): 262 deaths, 37 percent alcohol related.

Our Boston drunk driving attorneys wish everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July and ask that you be sure to designate a driver if you’re going to be drinking.

Here’s what you should do if you think you see a drunk driver on our roadways this weekend:

-Try to get the make, model, color and license plate number of the vehicle. Don’t get close to the vehicle to do so. Keep your distance.

-Call police and tell them the vehicle information along with a description of the driver if possible.

-Tell dispatchers the location of the vehicle and the direction it’s headed.

-Let law enforcement handle it from here. They are trained for these situations and ask that you do not take matters into your own hands.

By reporting a drunk driver this holiday weekend you might just be helping to save the life of an innocent motorist.
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Mothers Against Drunk Driving is pushing lawmakers to enact tougher laws in an effort to reduce the number of serious and fatal Massachusetts drunk driving accidents.

22 News reports the organization is pushing for expanded use of ignition interlock devices — which prevent convicted drunk drivers from starting their vehicle until they pass a portable breath test attached to the car. Our Boston car accident lawyers continue to applaud the group’s efforts at preventing these devastating crashes.
The latest statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show 108 motorists lost their lives in drunk driving accidents in Massachusetts in 2009. Countless others were injured. They are not statistics — but real people with families whose lives were turned upside down by the senseless decision of a driver who climbed behind the wheel after having too much to drink.

“The reason why I do what I do is because my husband, Mike Dean …was killed by a drunk driver in 1991, leaving me a young widow and a grieving mom,” said Laura Dean-Mooney, national president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). “Our daughter was only 8 months old at the time of his death. There’s many people in Massachusetts that have similar stories to mine.”

MADD ranks Massachusetts 31st in the nation in safety and prevention, noting 32 percent of all fatal traffic crashes involve alcohol. The state has 22,253 drivers who are three-time OUI offenders and 4,840 who have been busted five times.

“In New Mexico, the first state to implement ignition interlocks for all offenders, they’ve had almost a 40% reduction in their alcohol related fatalities,” said Dean-Mooney. “That is significant, that’s a lot of people that are alive today because they’re protected under this ignition interlock law.”

Massachusetts law requires repeat offenders to have ignition interlock devices installed on their cars for two years. MADD wants the law to include first-time offenders, who would be required to have the devices installed on their vehicles for the first six months after their licenses are reinstated.

“I think the thing we know about all repeat offenders is that they were all first offenders once, and our objective is to do something more meaningful with the convicted offender when they are a first offender as opposed to waiting until they become a second, third, fourth, fifth offender,” said David DeIuliis, a MADD Massachusetts spokesperson.

Currently, a revised law is being sponsored by Senator Robert Hedlund, R-Hingham. It awaits hearings in the Joint Committee on Transportation.
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