According to a recent news article from the Boston Globe, a police officer in Wareham, Massachusetts was injured after a drunk driver allegedly hit him during his patrol shift. The accident occurred just after midnight when the defendant’s vehicle was allegedly turning into the parking lot of a local restaurant.

cruiserAuthorities have said officer was on patrol when defendant was driving past a restaurant.  Without warning, defendant allegedly turned sharply to enter the restaurant parking lot and slammed into the police cruiser. Continue reading

Drunk driving is always a serious offense, as it can result in a serious or event fatal drunk driving accident. From time to time we see stories in the news that are somewhat humorous within the confines of a more serious situation.  According to a recent news report from the Boston Globe, a man was recently arrested on suspicion of drunk driving while wearing a shirt that said “Drunk Lives Matter.”

beerAuthorities have said the 44-year-old defendant was pulled over this past St. Patrick’s Day for driving in an erratic manner.  Once he was pulled over, authorities became concerned he was driving under the influence of alcohol.  It should not be a surprise that local and state police across the country will step up drink driving enforcement on days like St. Patrick’s day and other holidays, when people are known to drink to the point of intoxication and then get behind the wheel of car. Continue reading

Lawmakers in Utah are weighing one of the strictest DUI laws in the country, and legislators in Massachusetts are paying close attention. beer

Lawmakers voted to lower the legal limit of a motorist’s blood-alcohol content to 0.05 grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood, down from 0.08 grams, which is the standard for criminal DUI laws across the nation.

Supporters of this more stringent threshold say it’s going to save lives because it will compel more people to stay off the road if they’ve been drinking – even a little. However, those who oppose the measure say it’s going to hurt tourism. Utah is already seen as a rather unfriendly place for those who choose to imbibe, they said, and this would further that assumptions. Further, they argued, the law isn’t likely to help drive down DUI injuries and deaths. Even the 0.08 BAC standard doesn’t stop people from getting behind the wheel drunk.  Continue reading

In a rather interesting set of circumstances, as described in a recent article from the Framingham Patch, a restaurant owner was arrested in connection with a drunk driving car crash involving another driver. There were actually two separate drunk driving accidents where two drivers left the Framingham restaurant and crashed into local police vehicles.  One case involved an alleged drunk driver crashing his Porsche sport utility vehicle into the back of a police cruiser, and the second case involved an alleged drunk driver crashing his sedan into the rear of a police SUV.

drivingAs part of their investigation into the second crash, the police suspected the driver of being very intoxicated and charged him with operation to endanger and operation of a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol (OUI).  The police went to the last bar at which the driver was said to be drinking and attempted to obtain the video recording of the suspect consuming alcohol.
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In many ways, every drunk driving crash is senseless, because there is no reason for a person to ever get behind the wheel when intoxicated knowing that this extremely reckless behavior could result in serious personal injury or death.  However, some drunk driving accidents contain facts that are even more egregious than others.

drinksAccording to a recent news article from Fox 25 Boston, a 33-year-old defendant has been sentenced to five years in a Florida state prison in connection with the fatal 2014 drunk driving accident in which his wife was killed. The victim, his wife and mother of his children, was 31-years-old at time of her tragic death. Continue reading

In the U.S., the legal limit for a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08 grams of ethanol per hundred milliliters of blood.  Ethanol is the chemical name for the type of alcohol that is found in alcoholic beverages.  There are other kinds of alcohol, such as isopropanol that is used for medical applications, but that can be very harmful if ingested.  That being said, there have been many cases over the years where people drank medical alcohol or even ate hand sanitizer and then drove drunk.

drunk drivingThe reason there is a national legal limit, even though that would normally be reserved to the states to decide, is because, through the efforts of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Congress passed a national drinking age law and tied it to highway funding.  If the states do not comply, that would mean they do not get millions of dollars in federal highway money, so they are not likely to go against the federal limit. Continue reading

Many people are worried about getting arrested if they get behind the wheel of a car while drunk. However, the real danger in drunk driving is that it can and often does result in serious personal injury or death.  It is hard to fully comprehend how devastating a fatal drunk driving car crash can be to the surviving family members of the victim and others involved in the accident.

beerAccording to a recent news article from CBS Local Boston, authorities have arrested a 41-year-old man from Boston on charges of motor vehicle homicide following a deadly car crash in Attleboro, Massachusetts in which he was alleged to be driving while drunk.  He was also cited for various moving violations, including speeding, failure to use required care when stopping, and a marked lanes violation.  While these moving violations may seem trivial in comparison to allegations of motor vehicle homicide while impaired by alcohol, they are often added to assist troopers in establishing probable cause for the result and later detention at jail following the arrest. Continue reading

According to a recent story from the Boston Herald, a driver carrying approximately 20 tons of cheese was allegedly driving drunk and crashed his semi tractor-trailer on the Southeast Expressway just outside of Boston. Authorities have said the 43-year-old defendant lost control of his truck full of cheese that was being delivered to the greater Boston area from Wisconsin where it was made. The crash occurred around 1:30 a.m.

cheeseMassachusetts State Police (MSP) troopers were immediately called to the scene, and, when they arrived, they saw that the truck had smashed into a crash attenuator at high rate of speed. A crash attenuator is often placed at the end of one or more concrete Jersey barriers or metal guardrails where they form a dangerous point. Continue reading

Law enforcement officers in Massachusetts are grappling with an increasing threat on our streets: Drugged drivers.marijuana

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately 10 million people over the age of 12 report driving under the influence of illicit drugs in the last year. Men are more likely culprits than women, as are drivers between the ages of 18 and 25.

Those figures were derived from 2014 survey responses. Police across the Commonwealth report there has been at 225 percent increase in drug-related Operating Under the Influence (OUI) citations over the last several years. Violations for drugged driving spiked from about 660 in 2010 to 1,540 in 2015. Continue reading

Tighter alcohol restrictions and stronger alcohol policies may be the key to unlocking lower drunk driving deaths among Boston’s youth. That’s according to a recent study by researchers at Boston Medical Centerbeer

The analysis was published recently online by the journal Pediatrics, and underscores the importance of alcohol control policies that are both strong and comprehensive in lowering the number of DUI-related deaths among young people.

As it stands, car accidents are one of the top causes of death among people under the age of 21 in the U.S. It’s particularly bad in Massachusetts, where 40 percent of all fatal car accidents involve a drunk driver and we are in the top 25 percent of states with the highest rates of youths who die in alcohol-related crashes.  Continue reading

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