Sen. Rand Paul’s Son Arrested on Drunk Driving Charges

Senator Rand Paul has been in the news a lot lately. He is likely going to run for the Republican presidential nomination and has been making many statements in opposition to funding the social security program. This time, he is in the news for a different reason.

classic-greek-inspired-building-1431377-m.jpgAccording to a recent news article from Lex 18, police arrested Senator Rand Paul’s son, William Paul for allegedly driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol (DUI). Lexington authorities say they arrived at the scene of a car accident and observed William Paul sitting the driver’s seat of a car, which appeared to have crashed into a parked car. Police reported suspect as having bloodshot and watery eyes, behaving a belligerent manner, and having slurred speech.

One witness told police she allegedly saw William Paul sitting in the intersection revving the engine of his vehicle. A few minutes later, witness said she heard a loud crash. It is believed William Paul did not own the vehicle he was allegedly driving, and it was an uninsured motor vehicle.

Police called EMTs to the scene, as Paul is said to have suffered cuts on his face. He was offered a chemical breath test or blood test, but he is said to have refused both. Police also administered Paul a series of field sobriety tests, which officers claim he failed. At this point, police placed Paul under arrest for drunk driving in connection with the crash and operating an uninsured motor vehicle.

It has also been reported this was not William Paul’s first offense. He was previously charged with possession of alcohol as a minor in 2013. He was later charged with simple assault of a flight attendant and public intoxication and disruptive conduct on the same flight. Those charges were dismissed upon Paul’s completion of a pretrial diversion program.

Our Boston drunk driving car accident lawyers are glad no one appears to have been injured in connection with this incident and note that William Paul has only been accused of a crime and is still presumed innocent unless and until his convicted beyond a reasonable doubt.

Drunk driving accident cases in which at-fault driver is driving an uninsured vehicle often present somewhat more of a challenge compared to cases in which defendant was insured. There are several options in situations such as these. If defendant did not have insurance but has a significant amount of personal assets, including equity in a home or other investments, plaintiff can seek to recover from those assets. However, in reality, there are very few wealthy people who drive around in vehicles without insurance, unless they have lost their driver’s license in the past and are uninsurable.

In the majority of drunk driving car accident cases involving an uninsured defendant, it is necessary to look to your own insurance policy for what is known as uninsured motorist (UM) coverage. Even if you have never heard of UM coverage, you probably have it, pursuant to state law, and should speak with an experienced car accident lawyer about this issue.

If you have been injured in a Boston drunk driving accident, call for a free and confidential appointment at (617) 777-7777.

Additional Resources:
Presidential Candidate’s Son Cited For Operating Vehicle Under Influence , Apr. 22, 2015, Lex 18

More Blog Entries:

Massachusetts Man Arrested for 11th Drunk Driving Offense
, August 12, 2014, Boston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers Blog

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